Yunivesithi ya Witwatersrand

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Yunivesithi ya Witwatersrand

Yunivesithi ya Witwatersrand ndi yunivesithi i divheaho nga maanda lifhasini. I wanala doroboni ya Johannesburg. Ndi yunivesithi ibvaho phanda nga pfunzu kha la Afurika Tshipembe.

Divhazwakale[edit | edit source]

Tshikolo tsho thomiwa fhala Kimberly nga nwaha wa 1896 sa "Thsikolo tsha migodi tsha furika Tshipembe". Nga 1904 tsha pfulutshela Johannesburg. Nga nwaha wa 1922 tshikolo itshi tsha da tsha pfi nd Yunivesithi ya Witwatersrand.

Fakhalithi[edit | edit source]

Yunivesithi iyi in dzifakhalithi thanu.

- Fakhalithi ya Vhuthu (Humanities)

- Fakhalithi ya Saintsi (Science)

- Fakhalithi ya Mutakalo (Health Sciences)

- Fakhalithi ya Enzhinia na Vhupo(Engineering and the Built Environment)

- Fakhalithi ya Vhubindudzi, Mulayo na Vhulanguli (Commerce, Law, and Management)

Zwinzhi nga yunivesithi iyi[edit | edit source]